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Helium API Update: Removing the Score

· One min read

With the release of HIP 16 and implementation of Random Consensus Group selection, the PoC-based Hotspot Score is no longer a metric that's used by the Helium blockchain. We intend to completely remove the score field from the API response.

To ease the transition to removing it entirely, we've adjusted all Hotspot scores to 1. This change was made earlier today, December 2, 2020 around 1:15 PM PT.

We plan on deploying an additional change on Monday, December 7, 2020 around 10AM PT to completely remove the field. If you're currently a consumer of the API and depend on this field, please take this time to update your clients / applications.

There will be a subsequent code change that updates the blockchain-etl project to remove this from the database as well.